Clitheroe St. James' C of E
Primary School

We are very proud to be a part of St' James' Church Clitheroe.

Helen Potts is the Children and Families Worker at St. James' Church.

We are delighted that part of her time is spent in school working with our children.

Each week Helen leads worship at school. 
As a school, we go up to church regularly for Harvest, Christmas, Easter and Leavers services. We also use the church for our Nativity and school productions.

Once a month, the church uses our Eco Zone for their family forest church sessions. 

Helen and her team arrange and lead prayer spaces on occasions throughout the school year. 

Helen runs a Bible Diggers/Excavate Club in school.

Many of our children attend the Rockin Club, which she runs at Church on a Tuesday evening.

Helen says, ‘She loves being a link between the school and church parts of St James’ Family.’

Worship Group

Welcome to our school Worship Group. We help to plan worship and also lead worship in both Key Stage One and Key Stage Two.

Prayer Space

St James' Church Wednesday Morning Communion Service came to St James' School.

The congregation had been invited to share their service at school as part of an ongoing relationship with Year Six and this communion group. A great time was had by all.


Miss White receiving a 'Welcome' plaque from Clive from Kings Highway School.

Each half term, we send updates to each other about what we have been doing in our school. These photos are then shown in whole school worship.